Beauty's, when meets talent Shy without, yet fallen within It is as if a dream K wants to stick with him longer

On bday of grandma, Her bro, her sis, and her parents Wear new clothes, get presents Go to celebration party The house feels much empty Kieu thinks she should go see honey

Like gold meets it touchstone The more they love, the lonelier Like two ends of river One end misses other one end

There's a far customer Who came for this singer for fun The ship has just begun Who knew the love's broken early :'( :(( Her room was left empty The old trace mossily turned green...

"This tomb is of Dam Tien singer Used to be such hot girl She had lots of lovers in life But fate was bad, despite Youth's unfinished, her life's over

Kieu even looks unfair Thuy Van cannot compare to Kieu Like the pure lakes in hills Her eyes can make all feel envy

Thuy Van looks pretty calm With moon face with ma'am body With jade-like melody With white skin, curly cloud hair

Among his two sisters Kieu is a bit older than Van Nice spirits, sweet persons Both are fab, yet different in charm

One's full, others' lacking Heaven, it keeps hating beauty It's in the history A famous love story for teens

Longtime in human life, Fate is so bad for nice people. Time flied so fast, I saw Things changed, and had struggle feelings.